Ajay Devgn and Tabu who were last seen together in Drishyam 2 will next be seen sharing the screen in Bholaa and director Neeraj Pandey’s next musical romance titled Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha! The shooting of this venture started on Saturday in Mumbai and today February 6, Ajay took to his Twitter handle to share a few pictures of the first schedule from the sets.
In the pictures, Ajay is wearing a blue shirt while Tabu is seen wearing a pink shirt. Aside from them, Jimmy Shergill and director Neeraj Pandey are also seen in the frame. “From the sets of #AuronMeinKahanDumTha with @neerajpofficial #ShootingBegins,” Ajay captioned the post.
Billed as a ‘unique musical love story’, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha will have music from Grammy winner MM Keeravani. According to the reports, the movie will have an ‘epic romantic drama’ spanning over 20 years. It has also been reported that this movie will be set between 2002 and 2023.