Akshay Kumar whose movie Selfiee with Emraan Hashmi is releasing on February 24 has now broken a world record to promote the venture. The Bollywood star broke a unique Guinness World Records title for the most self-portrait photographs (selfies) taken in three minutes today at a meet and greet with fans in a promotional event of Selfiee in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi starrer Selfiee
Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi starrer Selfiee

Before Akshay, the record was previously held by James Smith (USA). Smith set this record by taking 168 self-portrait photographs (selfies) in three minutes at the Carnival Dream cruise ship on 22nd January 2018. Breaking that record, Akshay took 184 selfies today in Mumbai.

Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar

After breaking this record, Akshay said, “I am ecstatic at breaking this unique World Record and sharing this moment with my fans! Everything that I have achieved so far and where I am at this moment of my life is due to the unconditional love and support of my fans everywhere. This was my way of paying a special tribute to them, of acknowledging how they have stood by me and my work in my entire career.”

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