After Doctor G, Ayushmann Khurrana unveiled the first poster of his upcoming movie ‘An Action Hero’ yesterday. Following that today, the actor posted another poster of the venture on his Instagram and announced the movie’s trailer will release tomorrow.
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“The bad guy enters the chat! ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? #AnActionHero trailer out TOMORROW!,” he posted.
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Now it has been reported that Akshay Kumar will be doing a cameo in the movie. According to a source close to the project, Akshay Kumar has already shot a crucial scene in the movie which will be the foundation of Aushmann’s character development. Also, as the movie is titled An Action Hero, the makers decided to have a cameo from the original action hero of Bollywood, Khiladi Kumar.
Coming back to the movie, An Action Hero is directed by Anirudh Iyer and financed by Bhushan Kumar with Aanand L Rai. While the movie was completed during the pandemic, due to various reasons it will release in December 2022.