Today, November 21, on Allu Arjun’s daughter Arha’s birthday the actress took to his Instagram to wish her with a special video. The actor posted a clip featuring Arha and posted it with a caption saying, “Happy Birthday to my cutest baby ALLU ARHA. #కందిరీగకథలు #alluarha.”
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In the video, the actor is behind the lens and is talking to his daughter. The father and daughter are having a conversation about honeycombs. For those who don’t know, Arha turned 6 today and she is now gearing up for her acting debut with Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s starrer mythological drama Shaakuntalam. She will be essaying the role of Prince Bharat in this movie.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun will next be seen reprising his Pushpa role in the upcoming sequel. The test shooting of the movie has started in Bangkok and after wrapping this shoot the actor will be heading to Russia to promote Pushpa: The Rise before its release.