After the Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh Narottam Mishra voiced his complaint against the song ‘Besharam Rang’ from Pathaan, the assembly speaker of the same state Girish Gautam has also expressed the same sentiments about the song. Talking about the allegedly vulgar outfits donned by Deepika Padukone in the song, the MP speaker has challenged Shah Rukh Khan to watch the movie with his daughter Suhana Khan.
“I would like to tell this to Shah Rukh Khan that his daughter is now 23-24 years old. Go and watch the film with your daughter and post the picture on social media saying that I am watching this film with my daughter in which there is Deepika Padukone,” the speaker said while talking to a group of reporters.
Adding further into this, Girish Govind dared the makers to make a movie on Prophet Mohammed in the name of freedom. He hinted at Deepika’s saffron-colored bikini and said, “I challenge you to make a similar film on the Prophet and run it.”
Meanwhile, recently a few members of the Vishnu Parishad and Bajrang Dal tried to disrupt the shoot of SRK’s next movie Dunki as a retaliation against Besharam Rang and Pathaan. Further a few days ago, the Madhya Pradesh Ulema Board has also asked the makers to change the movie’s name as it is showing Pathan in a negative light.