Recently the rumors of Janhvi Kapoor signing a Tamil movie opposite Karthi started circulating through the media. The reports stated that the actress was approached to play the female lead in Paiyaa 2 which will be helmed by director Lingusamy. As Janjvi is known for appreciating the South industries, such rumors were thought to be true and people were also excited to see her in a Tamil project.
However, Today February 3, Boney Kapoor refuted such rumors via his Twitter handle. “Dear Media Friends, This is to bring to your notice that Janhvi Kapoor has not committed to any Tamil Films at the moment, requesting not to spread false rumors.”, wrote Boney Kapoor.
Meanwhile, Janhvi Kapoor’s movie Bawaal with Varun Dhawan has been postponed recently. According to the reports, the makers are using several special effects in the movie and due to technical delays, the movie had to be postponed.