People Media Factory, led by TG Vishwa Prasad, and Chitralayam Studios are joining forces to produce an upcoming project featuring Gopichand under the direction of Sreenu Vaitla. Today, the makers have officially confirmed this collaboration. The film, tentatively titled “Gopichand32”, marks the debut production venture of esteemed distributor and exhibitor Venu Donepudi from Chitralayam Studios.

Expressing his delight, Venu Donepudi expressed his happiness in partnering with a prestigious banner like People Media Factory. He added that the film is shaping up remarkably well. With an ambitious scale, the project promises top-notch production values and technical excellence. The next shooting schedule is set to commence tomorrow.

This schedule will focus on filming crucial sequences involving the lead actors, marking the completion of the entire talkie portion. Sreenu Vaitla is set to present Gopichand in a fresh avatar, while ensuring to maintain his forte in delivering entertainment.

Gopi Mohan, renowned for his contributions to several Sreenu Vaitla blockbusters, has penned the screenplay. The cinematography is entrusted to KV Guhan, while Chaitan Bharadwaj is crafting the musical score.

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