Annapurna Studios and Asian Cinemas, prominent players in the Telugu film industry, have forged a partnership to bring the highly anticipated Tamil film “Dear” to audiences in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This quirky family comedy-drama stars popular Tamil actors GV Prakash Kumar and Aishwarya Rajesh.
“Dear,” directed by Anand Ravichandran and produced by Varun Tripuraneni, Abhishek Ramisetty, and G Pruthviraj under the Nutmeg Productions banner, is set to hit theaters across the twin Telugu states and overseas on April 12. Notably, while the Tamil version is scheduled for a global release on April 11, the Telugu version will follow suit a day later.
The film boasts a stellar cast including Kaali Venkat, Ilavarasu, Rohini, Thalaivasal Vijay, Geetha Kailasam, and Nandini alongside the lead pair. GV Prakash Kumar has also lent his musical talents to compose the film’s soundtrack, with two Tamil songs already making waves on the charts and the Telugu album set to be released soon.