Sidharth Malhotra was last seen with Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh in Indra Kumar’s directorial movie Thank God last year. The movie did moderately at the box office, its music created a lot of buzz on the internet. Now, according to the latest reports, Indra Kumar has signed Sidharth for another project.
A source close to the project revealed that the director has signed Sidharth into a rom-com project. The source also revealed that the two worked out the details of the project while working on Thank God. “Indra Kumar had initially approached Sidharth for the new venture while they were still working on Thank God. It was during the last leg of the film’s shoot when the duo had reached a verbal agreement on the venture. Currently, both Kumar and Malhotra have begun talks again for the venture,” the source said. Further talking about the details of the said project, the source said, “The film will feature a big ensemble cast. However, Sidharth Malhotra will be seen playing one of the male leads who has a primary role in the film. Essentially, he will be seen leading the cast of the new project.”
Meanwhile, Sidharth will next be seen in Mission Majnu with Rashmika Mandanna. He will also be resuming the shoot for his OTT debut series, Indian Police Force soon.