Veteran Telugu filmmaker K Viswanath passed away at the age of 92 around midnight on Thursday and Friday due to age-related ailments. According to the reports the filmmaker was in bad health for some time and was admitted to a private hospital. He breathed his last at midnight and his mortal remains were shifted to his residence in Jubilee Hills. He is survived by his wife and three children.
Expressing their condolences on the filmmaker’s death, stars like Chiranjeevi, Kamal Haasan, and Mammootty among others took to their social media handle. Dedicating a few words to the late filmmaker, Kamal Haasan posted a handwritten note saying, “Kalathapasvi K Viswanath fully understood the transience of life and immortality of art. Hence, his art will be celebrated beyond his lifetime and reign. Long live his art. An ardent fan. Kamal Haasan (sic).”
Chiranjeevi who worked with Viswanath in Swayam Krushi and Subhalekha and Aapadbhandavadu tweeted, “Shocked beyond words! Shri K Viswanath ‘s loss is an irreplaceable void to Indian / Telugu Cinema and to me personally! Man of numerous iconic, timeless films! The Legend Will Live on! Om Shanti (sic).”
Mammootty also took to his Twitter handle and wrote, “Deeply saddened by the demise of Sri K Viswanath Garu. Had the privilege of being directed by him in Swathi Kiranam. My thoughts and prayers with his loved ones (sic).”