Katrina Kaif who was last seen in Phone Bhoot has joined with South star Vijay Sethupathi for a movie titled Merry Christmas. The actress unveiled the first look poster of the movie today on her Instagram handle and said there is a ‘Twist’ in store for the viewers.
The poster features two broken wine glasses with red liquid in them. A man and a woman are holding the said glasses and the red liquid in it, is most likely blood. Sharing the poster, the actress posted a caption saying, “We wanted to release the film this Christmas…but there is a TWIST 🙂 See you in cinemas soon!”
Talking more about the movie, Merry Christmas is directed by Sriram Raghavan and it is set to release theatrically in 2023 in Hindi and Tamil. The film has music from Pritam. This movie marks the first collaboration of Katrina Kaif with Vijay Sethupathi.