Thalapathy Vijay and director Lokesh Kanagaraj are coming together once again for a grand project Thalapathy 67. The movie was launched earlier this month and the makers have kept everything under wrap so far to not affect the release of Vijay’s upcoming movie Varisu. However, sharing a few details about the movie in a recent interview, the director has revealed that Thalapathy 67 will be 100% his movie.

Lokesh Kanagaraj and Thalapathy Vijay.
Lokesh Kanagaraj and Thalapathy Vijay.

The director claimed that Thalapathy 67 will be made in 100% his style and vision, and he had taken quite a time to write the movie. Usually, the makers try to include the main lead character in the movie or change the story by centering around the hero’s stardom. However, Lokesh’s statement suggests he has made the movie in his own style and Vijay as an actor will have to portray the role given to him.

Lokesh Kanagaraj
Lokesh Kanagaraj

The director also revealed that his associate director Vishnu Edavan will write two songs for Thalapathy 67. Lastly, Gautham Memon also confirmed that he is part of Thapatahy 67. Besides him, the movie will feature Trisha, Sanjay Dutt, and Nivin Pauly in the lead roles.

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