Chandrabose who is the lyricist of the famous song Naatu Naatu from RRR recently received a special gift from Megastar Chiranjeevi. As the song is currently taking over the world and even won Golden Globes Award, the Waltair Veerayya star sent a special gift as an appreciation of his lyrical achievements. As the song features Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan, it is also a special number for the Godfather actor.

Naatu Naatu
Naatu Naatu

The actor sent an idol of Sahitya Ganapathi, something that is very much regarded by those in the field of literature and writing. Chandrabose shared a picture of the gift from the megastar on his Twitter handle today with a caption saying, “Sahitya Ganapati sent to me as a gift by brother Chiranjeevi ????????????????????????????????????????.”

Screenshot of Chandrabose's tweet
Screenshot of Chandrabose’s tweet

For those who don’t know, Chandrabose also wrote the title song of Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya. The movie did great at the box office and it is reported that Chiranjeevi will be attending the success meet of the venture today. Ram Charan is also attending the event as the chief guest.

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