Yesterday Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan was released worldwide and despite facing protests in several places the movie did great at the box office. As per the early estimate, the movie has opened with around ₹50-51 crore nett at the domestic belt. This opening is one of the top openers of all time and one can say that this is the biggest win Bollywood has got after the pandemic era.
As per a report by Box Office India, “Pathaan has recorded a phenomenal opening day at the box office as it takes a ₹50-51 crore nett collection in its Hindi version, as per early estimates.” As per the reports, Pathaan has smashed the box office records of non-holiday releases. Previously this record was set by Bahubali- The Conclusion( Hindi).
As per the trade analyst Taran Adarsh, Pathaan minted ₹25.05 crores till Wednesday evening, at national chains. According to him, the movie earned ₹11.40 crore at PVR, ₹8.75 crore at INOX, and ₹4.90 crore at Cinepolis till 8:15 PM. It is expected that with the positive Word of Mouth, promotion, and weekends coming the numbers will further go up in the coming days.
Coming back to the movie, Pathaan is directed by Siddharth Anand and financed by Aditya Chopra under the banner of Yash Raj Films. The movie featured Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, in lead roles and it had a special cameo from Salman Khan.