The first song of Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan has been released today. The song is titled Besharam Rang and it features SRK and Deepika in a very hot avatar. The song is sung by Shilpa Rao, Caralisa Monteiro, Vishal, and Shekhar and it has been shot in Spain.
The song features Deepika in the most glamorous way ever and she owns the song with her looks, expressions, and moves. SRK too has a moment for himself as he goes shirtless flaunting his ripped body for the lens. The chemistry between the two actors also creates magic in the song and fans are going crazy seeing their performance.
Talking about their chemistry, the director of the movie, Siddharth Anand said, “The on-screen jodi of Deepika and Shah Rukh Khan is probably one of the biggest pairings that Indian cinema has ever seen, given their incredible successes in the past. And in Pathaan we have presented SRK and DP in a way that’s unprecedented. They have electric chemistry with each other and they look just so hot together. It’s rare to find a pairing like theirs and their jodi is a huge USP for Pathaan.”
Coming back to the movie, Pathaan marks the return of SRK after 4 years. The movie features John Abraham as the antagonist and it is set to release on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.