Prabhas and Deepika Padukone starrer Project K which has been in talks for a while now will be released in two parts. According to the reports, the movie will be made into two parts with the first part hitting the theatres in April 2024. The release date of the second part has not been disclosed at the moment but it has been reported that, like Baahubali, the first part will establish the world while the next part will unfold the story in detail.

Project K lead cast
Project K lead cast

“The vision and plot point of Project K is so big that the makers have decided to make it a 2-part film. While the first part will establish the world and conflict of this magnum opus, entire drama will unfold in the second half, much like what happened in the Bahubali Franchise. Project K is envisioned as the biggest film of Indian Cinema with a conflict like never before and celebrates the 50 years of producers, Vyjayanthi Movies,” a source was quoted in the report.

Backed by Vyjayanthi Films, Project K is a mega project with a budget of Rs 500 crore. The movie is helmed by Nag Ashwin and it also stars Amitabh Bachchan in a key role alongside Prabhas and Deepika.

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