A few days ago the song Besharam Rang from Pathaan was released. The song featured Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan and it showed the actress in a very hot manner. While many have liked the song, some are displeased with how Deepika is dressed in the song. Furthermore, after Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra questioned the objectionable costumes in ‘Besharam Rang’ and Maharashtra BJP MLA Ram Kadam come up with the theory on how the color of the dress and lyrics insults Hindutva, people are talking about “Boycott” again.
Siding with Shah Rukh Khan in this matter, Rahul Dholakia, the director of Raees took to his Twitter handle today to share his opinion. “The hate attack (for years now) on @iamsrk should be condemned by one and all in the film industry. SRK has contributed more to our fraternity and India as an ambassador of entertainment & cinema; than most people have. Please tell these bigots with idiotic theories to Shut Up,” he posted.
SRK also addressed this hate bandwagon at the 28th Kolkata International Film Festival inaugural by saying, “The collective narrative of our times is shaped by social media. Contrary to the belief that social media will affect cinema negatively, I believe cinema has an even more important role to play now.”
“Social media is often driven by a certain narrowness of view that limits human nature to its baser self. I read somewhere that negativity increases social media consumption and thereby increases its commercial value as well. Such pursuits enclose the collective narrative, making it divisive and destructive,” he added.