A while back the producer of Kantara revealed that they are planning to make a 2nd part of the venture. Confirming the same Rishab Shetty the director of Kantara said the Kantara 2 will come next year. The director/actor recently attended an event in Bengaluru to celebrate the 100-day theatrical run of the movie. At the event, the actor revealed that Kantara 2 will come next year and it will not be a sequel but a prequel instead.
“We thank the audience for their immense love and support for Kantara. With the blessing of almighty Daiva, the film has successfully completed 100 days and I would like to take this opportunity to announce the prequel of the film,” Rishab Shetty said at the recent event.
“What you have seen is actually Part 2, Part 1 will come next year. The idea came to my mind while I was shooting for Kantara. It is because the history of Kantara has more depth to it. Currently, we are in the middle of digging into more details. As the research is still underway, it would be very early to reveal details about the film,” he added.
Coming back to the movie, Kantara is written and directed by Rishab Shetty. The movie is backed by Hombale Films and it grossed over Rs 400 crore worldwide at the box office. The movie also featured Sapthami Gowda, Kishore, Achyuth Kumar, Pramod Shetty, Prakash Tuminad, Naveen D Padil, and others in important roles.