Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham starrer Pathaan was released on January 25 and the movie has taken the box office by a huge storm. The movie grossed around Rs 103 crore worldwide on the opening day and has crossed the 100 crore mark at the domestic belt in just two days.
Seeing such a massive success of the movie, Salman Khan who has an extended cameo in Pathaan, congratulated Shah Rukh Khan over a call. According to a source close to Salman, the actor is incredibly happy about Pathaan’s success. The source informed that Salman wants Pathaan to do extremely well and cross the Rs 400 crore mark in India. Also, the source revealed that Salman will soon meet with Shah Rukh Khan in person to congratulate him on the success of Pathaan.
Coming back to the movie, Pathaan was released on over 8000 screens worldwide. The movie opened around Rs 54 crore in the domestic belt and it minted over Rs 70 crore on the second day. The movie has earned around Rs 128 crore in two days and it is expected that it will cross the Rs 200 crore mark on the weekend.