A while back Prabhas announced his next project with director Maruthi. The movie is featuring three female leads- Malavika Mohanan, Nidhhi Agerwal, and Riddhi Kumar, and now it has been reported that the makers have roped in Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt to play an important role in this venture. According to reports, Sanjay Dutt will be playing a vital role in the movie and it will not be a negative role.
Meanwhile, it has been reported that Prabhas has completed a week-long schedule for this movie. Director Maruthi has also revealed that they plan to shoot the entire movie in India and nothing abroad. Also, Prabhas is currently busy with other big projects like Om Raut’s Adipurush with Saif Ali Khan and Kriti Sanon and Siddhartha Anand’s Project K with Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan.
Sanjay Dutt on the other hand will be playing a negative role in Thalapathy Vijay’s 67th movie. The movie is being directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and it is being referred to as Thalapathy 67 at the moment.