Most Talented Director Seenu Ramasamy who is known for his directorial scripts is now all set to debut as an actor in a new Tamil film titled as Equality. This is touted to be an social message drama which is being shaping up in the direction of Vijay Karthik and has debutante actors as lead roles.

The director has posted a thank you for helping him to become as actor as below –

Dear all,

I am not a perfect complete Actor but I am still learning. I don’t know how I am going to develop myself as an actor physically and mentally.

In front of the screen I realize how wonderful an actor and actress we have in our Industry.

As director i know how to hold the realistic centre point on actors.

But as an actor its very tough to deliver those points but the confidence of director Vijay karthi Mr. C. V. Kumar Mr. Thangaraj greatly accepted me to this project

Happy to share first look ????????

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