It has already been confirmed that Salman Khan will be doing a powerful cameo as Tiger in the upcoming Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan. Likewise, it was reported that Shah Rukh Khan will also be doing a cameo as Pathaan in Salman Khan’s upcoming movie Tiger 3. Now latest reports say, Shah Rukh Khan, will be shooting this cameo scene immediately after the release of Pathaan on Jan 25, 2023.
The report also says that both actors will be shooting a crucial action sequence that will blow people’s minds. Salman’s cameo in Pathaan and SRK’s cameo in Tiger 3 will be the first crossover of the spy universe that Aditya Chopra is creating under the Yash Raj Films banner.
The universe will also include Hrithik Roshan’s Kabir role from War and it has been reported that future cameos from big actors in the franchise will be a common occurrence. This also suggests that Hrithik Roshan, SRK, and Salman will join hands together in the future like Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi for an action-packed spy thriller.