Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani recently returned after celebrating New Year with Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, and Rani Mukerji in Dubai. Before their return, the rumors of the couple getting married on February 6 have been spreading through the internet. According to the latest reports, the couple will have a grand Punjabi wedding with elaborate ceremonies at Jaisalmer Palace Hotel. A source close to the couple revealed that the wedding ceremonies will take over two days and later a grand reception will be held in Mumbai.
As per the reports, the couple will have haldi and sangeet on the same day and pheras on the next day. The couple’s friends and family have already started shopping for marigold and yellow-themes outfits for the haldi and Kiara and Sidharth have also finalized a sangeet playlist. “Kiara was also heard discussing a sangeet song playlist with her friends in Dubai over the New Year’s. Since Shershaah was a huge hit for both of them, Raatan Lambiyan is already on the sangeet playlist,” a source revealed.
Also, the reports say, that the couple’s wedding guest list includes family and close friends from the industry including Karan Johar, ace fashion designer Manish Malhotra, producer Ashvini Yardi, etc.