Recently, Lokesh Kanagaraj officially announced his upcoming directorial venture Thalapathy 67 and revealed that its production started on January 2. “Following the blockbuster success of Master and Varisu, we are delighted and proud to collaborate with Thalapathy Vijay sir, for the third time. The project, tentatively titled Thalapathy 67, is directed by the ‘master’ craftsman Lokesh Kanagaraj, produced by S S Lalit Kumar and Co-produced by Jagadish Palanisamy. The shoot commenced on 2nd January 2023 and is progressing at a brisk pace,” read the statement from the production house.
Now according to the latest updates, the second schedule of the movie is set to start soon. If reports are to be believed the second schedule of this Vijay starrer will start in Kashmir this week. Though no official announcement regarding the same has not been made, it is to be noted that Lokesh usually keeps such things under wraps as a surprise for the fans.
The report also states that the makers will soon release a promotional video to announce the title of the movie. As Lokesh previously said that a major update of Thalapathy 67 will be revealed within the first week of February fans are speculating that the rumors about the title announcement might be true.