Ravi Teja, Anupam Kher, Murali Sharma and Nupur Sanon starrer Tiger Nageswara Rao has been released across globe with positive and there is quite strong buzz over the hit of the film at box office. Vamsee is the director of this theif based action drama and here we comes with its review below

Story Line :-

Indian Prime Minister security is at risk for which IB Chief Raghavendra Rajput (Anupam Kher) calls for an immediate meeting with officials as ruthless criminal Tiger Nageswara Rao (Ravi Teja) gives warning that he will steal at PM’s house. A Police Officer Vishwanath Sastry (Murali Sharma) then explains who is Tiger Nageswara Rao actually and rest of the story forms the proceedings…

Pros are here :-

At first we should congrats on the guts of the makers to select a story of dacoit Tiger Nageswara Rao and make it as a biopic which indeed had taken them much research all these years. Coming to the narration it is effective with the proceedings. The crimes, stealing and how police department has fallen his backside is shown very well.

The main asset of this biopic is Ravi Teja who is just awesome in his role and lived to a great extent. We never seen Ravi Teja in such massive grey-shaded character and he is proved his acting once again. Mass Maharaja has steeled the show all the way. Renu Desai is fine, Nupur Sanon and Gayatri Bharadwaj are good and rest of the character are ok to their timespan.

Cons are here :-

The main cons of the film its second half which is quite bit lengthy with its run-time and makers good trim it for more than 30 minutes. The lag itself tests patience of the audience as the emotional scenes are touched too much. Action scenes are also too lengthy with this run-time. Major let-down could be its second half as the narration to be passable as the crimes of lead star are redempted. Few scenes showcasing Stuartpuram in bad lights because of the crimes and the people missed many opportunities because of these and such scenario’s were just stamped with this lengthy run-time. The cinematic liberty is too high in the climax over PM supporting Tiger Nageswara Rao over the robbery at this part.

Final Word :-

On the final note, Tiger Nageswara Rao who is a great man alongside being an dacoit from the Stuartpuram village. The biopic is clean in making and Ravi Teja does his top-notch performance. The major let-down of the film is its second half which is bit-lengthy and VFX isn’t upto the mark. Tiger Nageswara Rao can be watched for this Dussehra.

Rating :- 2.5/5

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