Today January 21, the makers of Ajayante Randam Moshanam unveiled the first poster of one of Tovino Thomas’s characters, Maniyan, to kickstart the actor’s birthday celebrations. The actor also shared the poster on his official social media handle with a caption saying, “Unleashing the Master Thief of Chiyothikavu… Maniyan !!!”
The actor is seen in a never-seen-before avatar in the poster with a thick beard, long hair, thick eyebrows, kohled eyes, and tattooed arms. He is seen donning a costume representing an ancient time period and leading a mob with a lighted torch in his hand in the poster. Many are excited by seeing Tovino’s rugged look. However, the fun is not over as Maniyan is only one of the three roles he is playing and his other looks from this movie will be unveiled soon as well.
Coming back to the movie, Ajayante Randam Moshanam is directed by Jithin Lal and it features Tovino Thomas in three roles- Ajayan, Maniyan, and Kunji Kelu. The film is being made in 3D format and it will release in six languages- Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and English.