Dhanush’s bilingual movie Vaathi/ Sir which was released on February 17 is having a great run at the box office and the movie has collected Rs 60 crore worldwide in just 6 days. As per the early estimates the movie, collected Rs 3.15 crore on day 6 at the box office. Seeing the numbers, it is expected that Vaathi might not Vaathi may not be another Thiruchitrambalam but it will surely be a hit for Dhanush.
Vaathi was also released simultaneously in Telugu with the title, Sir, and as the viewers noticed that director Venky Atluri has made the venture to suit the taste of the Telugu audience, the Telugu version of the movie is doing better than the Tamil version at the box office.
Meanwhile, Kartik Aaryan starrer Shehzada which was the Bollywood movie released on the same date as Vaathi is struggling at the box office. The movie has allegedly collected between Rs. 1.60 and Rs. 1.90 crores at the domestic belt on the 6th day and is currently struggling to stay afloat at the box office.