Renowned Telugu filmmaker Sagar, who was famous for movies like Stuvartupuram Dongalu and Amma Donga passed away today at the age of 70 in his Chennai residence. According to the reports the filmmaker passed away due to age-related ailments.
Sagar made his directorial debut in 1983 with Rakasiloya and he directed around 35 movies throughout his career. Stuvartpuram Dongalu which was a runaway hit was his major breakthrough movie and aside from that his popular movies include Ammanaakodalaa, Alumagalu, Jagadekaveerudu, Ramasakkanodu, Public Rowdy, Daadi, Nakshatra Poratam, Amma Donga, Bharatasimham, and Anveshna among others.
Sagar was like a mentor to several successful directors like Srinu Vaitla, VV Vinayak, Ravi Kumar Chowdhary, and G Nageswara Reddy and he also worked with popular 90’s actors like Bhanu Chander, Suman, and even Krishna Ghattamaneni.