The makers of Rangamarthanda have been slowly promoting the movie over the last few weeks and today they launched the first look of Prakash Raj as the theatre veteran Raghava Rao. The team shared the first look via their social handles with a caption saying, “Introducing the multi linguistic, multi talented & 5 times National award winner #PrakashRaj as multi shaded RAGHAVA RAO from the world of #Rangamarthanda!”
In the shared clip, Prakash Raj is holding a mic and wearing a golden bracelet in his right hand. The actor is being felicitated with garlands and a shawl to address the great milestone of his career. The background score matches the scene well.
Coming back to the movie, Rangamarthanda is a Telugu remake of Nana Patekar’s hit Marathi movie Nata Samrat. The movie is directed by Krishna Vamsi and financed by Kalipu Madhu and S Venkat Reddy under Raja Shyamala Entertainments and Housefull Movies. The movie features Prakash Raj, Ramya Krishnan, and Brahmanandam in important roles, and it also stars, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Rahul Sipligunj, Shivathmika Rajashekar, and Ali Reza.