Filmmaker Mahesh Narayan and Kamal Haasan are going together for the continuation of the iconic 1992 movie Thevar Magan. However, as the project was delayed for some unknown reasons, rumors of a rift forming between Kamal Haasan and Mahesh Narayanan over this project started circulating on the internet. Laughing at such rumors, the filmmaker has made an official statement to clarify such rumors.

Mahesh Narayanan

“We are people who are constantly in touch. It’s not about one film. We are not discussing just one film, we discuss multiple films at a time. I have been part of Raaj Kamal for a long time. We laugh at whatever comments happen,” he said.

The filmmaker also confirmed that the project has just been delayed and not shelved. See, he is busy with the films that he has already committed to. The film that we are doing is basically his script. His sensibilities and ideas are always unique. So, he also has to get some time to sit on it, apply, and make a film out of it. It takes time. It is not ‘get a script and do a film’,” he added.

Kamal Haasan
Kamal Haasan

Meanwhile, Kamal Haasan is currently busy working with director Shankar on Indian 2. He also has a project with Mani Ratnam as his 234th movie and a movie with Vijay Sethupathi as well. Aside from that he also has the sequel to Vikram under his pipeline.

Mahesh on the other hand is currently gearing up for the release of his bilingual film Ariyuppu. The Malayalam- Hindi movie is set to release on December 16 on Netflix.

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