Kangana Ranaut who was last seen in the movie Dhaakad has announced the wrap of her upcoming movie Emergency. The actress announced this news via her Instagram handle today January 21 by sharing a few clicks from the set. The actress posted three pictures from the set in which she is seen sitting behind the camera looking like the late Indira Gandhi. Along with the pictures, she shared her experience with the movie and revealed all the setbacks she had to face while shooting this venture. As Kangana is financing this project and is also making her directorial debut with it, she had to mortgage all her property for Emergency.

Kangana at the set of Emergency
Kangana at the set of Emergency

Talking about the same, the actress captioned the post, “As I wrap Emergency as an actor today… a tremendously glorious phase of my life comes to its full completion… It may seem I sailed through it comfortably but the truth is far from it… From mortgaging all my properties, every single thing that I owned to being diagnosed with dengue during the first schedule and having to film it in spite of alarmingly low blood cell counts, my character as an individual has been severely tested… I have been very open about my feelings on SM (social media) but I didn’t share all this, honestly, because I didn’t want people, who cared to worry unnecessarily and those, who desperately want to see me fall and were doing everything to make me suffer, I didn’t want to give them the pleasure of my pain…”

Screenshot of Kangana's post
Screenshot of Kangana’s post

Talking more about the movie, Kangana announced this movie back in 2021. The shooting of the movie started in June last year and it has been wrapped today. The movie features, Kangana, Anupam Kher, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhry, Satish Kaushik, and Shreyas Talpade in key roles.

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